Cyber security

Cyber Defence Solutions

About us

SAVOIR DEFENCE provides cyber defense solutions to tackle cybersecurity challenges in highly complex and multidimensional military and security environment. Besides, the company supplies our customers with the latest, high-tech components for C4ISTAR architecture.

Cyber security

The ever-evolving quality and quantity of regular cyber-attacks are proving a real problem for cybersecurity experts around the world. If you have a requirement to identify different types of unknown threats and need to adjust your level of security tools to combat them, contact us!

We will supply you with our top cybersecurity specialists who use proven tools and methods used by the secret services and other global state agencies to secure your infrastructure. Besides, we can provide you with a military cybersecurity system for C4ISTAR to enhance your operational awarenes.

Reconnaissance and Surveillance Solutions

For all your intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance purposes we can deliver sensor solutions based on Optronics, Radars, and Acoustics. They can detect and identify targets over many kilometers, by day and night, and in all climatic conditions. They can make tactically correct decisions on the battlefield by the use of a powerful data processing system combined with an instant data transfer facility directly to all levels of command.

Command and Control Systems

We can supply and develop tailored command, control, communications, and computer (C4) systems for you. They will process 'real-time' information from all military land, sea, air, and space sensors operating in the theatre-of-operations. This will provide commanders with all their 'situation awareness’ needs for fast-moving real-time operations.


Savoir Defence, a.s.
Pomnenkova 1256/61
106 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic